Econet Wireless is ruining my life
It is four in the morning as I write this, and I have already been awake for an hour. I have been awake for an… Read More »Econet Wireless is ruining my life
There comes a time when any cellphone user has had enough.
Enough short messages lost in the wind.
Enough calls dropped for no evident reason.
Enough ineplixable network outages, signal droppages and service stoppages.
Every user has their limit, and I believe I have received enough product offers and random useless midnight messages from Econet to last me a lifetime.
This is the first in a series of posts aimed at helping Zimbabwean consumers educate themselves. If you have any suggestions on subjects or terms you find confusing or pertinent, please do not hesitate to contact us.
I am a fan of curry. I will comb through any restaurant menu and if I find a chicken, beef or lamb curry, I will… Read More »Patty’s Kitchen Is Cooking It Right
I just took this screenshot from the website of The Standard. There is, of course, a long and colourful history of spelling howlers on Zimbabwe’s… Read More »The Standard website has a rodent problem
My story is on how landlords in the “prime” avenues area treat tenants.
I have unfortunately been a resident of the area for the past six years for the simple fact that i found it a secure place for one that is easy to mantain.
Just got this in from James, who is understandably pissed off at the traffic situation prevailing in Harare.
This post has been inspired by an exchange I had with what appeared to be either an Econet higher-up or their flunkie, responding to a post about their website, the link to which I emailed them in good faith. It originally appeared at, a generic site for basic business ideas and common sense.
I have been whining about small change in supermarkets for months now, even going so far as creating a page on Facebook about it.
A close friend who is a retailer took great offence, and claimed he did all he could to help his customers out, including spending an inordinate amount of time in the banks chasing small change.
So you’ve been wronged, and now you’re mad. I get it. You want someone to know, and you want something done about it. Before you fire off that angry email or courier that letter, take a second to breathe. Here are a few tips to help you achieve the desired results.
Here’s a classic tactic for rattling the corporate monkey tree to make sure your complaint gets shoved under the nose of someone with decision-making powers. Let’s call it the “EECB,” or Executive Email Carpet Bomb…
Updated below I ranted at Econet about their mobile broadband offering on my personal blog earlier this month, and posted a screenshot of a MASSIVE… Read More »Inspired to Spell Things Wrong